Friday, September 24, 2010

Joel Osteen

I liked this message from Joel Osteen, and wanted to share it here on the blog.

Your imagination is a wonderful gift that God has given you!

With it, you can envision opportunities and new beginnings long before they become a reality in your life. When you apply your faith this way, your imagination isn't about "day dreams" — it's a tool that helps you deepen your relationship with God.

And when you pursue God and worship Him through your imagination, you plant seeds of hope for the dreams you carry in your heart. Each time you throw aside doubts, or fears about getting your hopes up, you set into motion an awesome, supernatural process.

I know how difficult this can be. It's risky to imagine God doing the incredible or the impossible. If we never dream, we don't have to worry about being disappointed.

But consider this: as powerful as our imaginations can be, God is able to do so much more than you can ever imagine.

Victoria and I want to encourage you today to take a step of faith and to imagine…imagine all the wonderful, supernatural and great things God could do in your life. How bold are you willing to be? How big are you willing to dream?

There's no greater joy than encouraging people to put their trust in Jesus and to expect Him to do great things in their lives. Every day, as a ministry, that's what we're doing all over the world — and it's not because of me and Victoria. It's because of friends like you who "see" the power of hope. Thank you for your support!

Remember, don't be afraid to believe God for BIG things in your life and in the lives of your loved ones.

Victoria and I want you to know that we are believing with you. Together, let's put our faith into motion…and be amazed at what God will do!

Be a Christ Follower.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Thinking Positively

"You cannot Love Life, if you are always thinking Negative Thoughts" Joyce Meyer.

The Best way to become a positive thinker is to ask God for a lot of help and and ask Him often.

When transforming our thoughts from positive to negative, this process can take time. It is a slow process. It is a journey to Freedom. Freeing our thoughts requires time. Because our progress is slow, the devil will try to tell us we are not moving forward at all. His hope is that we will throw in the towel. But God's Word is always at our disposal to Encourage us.

Sometimes, we go through a difficult period of waiting to stretch our faith and learn patience. Whenever we experience this, we must remember that God's timing is perfect. He is never late, and He will keep His promise to bring us into completion.

Many people are afraid to hope, because they have been hurt so much in their life. They live by the philosophy of: "If I don't expect anything good to happen, then I won't be disappointed if it doesn't". Study the Word and trust God to restore you, then the realization that negative thoughts have to GO, will hit home. We need to practice being positive in all kinds of situations. If you are going through a difficult time in life, Expect that God will work things out for your good.

To be delivered from negativity we must not only believe His Word, we must Confess it by not only thinking right thoughts, but speaking them out loud as personal confessions of faith.

The more time we spend meditating on God's Word, the more we will reap from it. God even promises we will receive gifts of virtue and knowledge.

Give God time to help you put your thoughts in line with His.

Be a Christ Follower.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Hanging in there with Hard-to-Love People. Usually we think of patience as perserverance through the most trying of circumstances. Hurry Up and Wait. To most of us, patience is what we need when our schedules do not align with life. We dig deep for patience when we are in a hurry and get into the express lane at the super market only to discover the customer ahead of us has 20 items instead of 7 and is using a check instead of cash and the check is not ready.

But this is not the kind of patience addressed in the Bible's fruits list. The word in the list actually means patience with people. It is patience with who people are, and what they do that might bother or even offend us. This kind of patience is sucking in our breath when our husband returns from the store with the wrong kind of cereal when we had specifically written down the name for him. This kind of patience is listening to a lonely friend who drones on and on about her life but shows little interest in ours.

Patience is hanging in there with hard-to-love people sometimes to the point of forgiveness, but always to the point of love.

Patience doesn't mean slapping on a nice smile and ignoring the reality of how we feel. When there is a bright orange stain in the middle of our cream-colored carpet, we can walk around it or cover it with a throw rug, but it is still there. Living as if it is not there won't do much for us or for those around us. Emotions of pain and hurt in response to the offenses of others need to be processed and experienced because we are, by nature, emotional human beings. To deny such feelings is to deny who we are.

The naked truth about patience is that in order to have it, we must ask for it and cooperate with God in its growth in our relationships. We have to allow God to grow this and all the fruits in us. Patience seems to be one of the the tough-to-grow fruits.

What does it look like to cooperate with God in the growth of patience? Sometimes patience might look like saying a prayer for the person who is bugging us. We might be pushed to love someone who is very hard to love because he or she has wounded us. There are occasions when we find patience leading us to forgive a person for a something that hurt us very deeply.

Patience is a spiritual fruit that grows from the soil of our humanity. As we experience unwelcome wounds from people, God can grow his fruit in our hearts and empower us to respond to such hurt with Patience.

Be Patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:2

Be a Christ Follower.